About Us

The author of this website has a great passsion for caravanning, and has had for quite a number of years. It all started off one day back in about year 2000 when he purchased an old Bailey 1970's caravan for the grand sum of £200. It was obviously an old style caravan, but nevertheless it was nice and clean on the inside and fairly free of damage on the outside. So, after having made some internal decorating changes, out it went onto the open roads. The author and his family spent quite a number of holidays in South Devon in this little 'van and the basic comforts it offered just added to the enjoyment of the holiday experience.

As time went on and with more and more things for comfort being taken on holiday, the caravan seemed to be getting a bit small really. So, in about 2002 he purchased quite a lot larger caravan; a 1994 Tabbert Comtesse 680D, this was a 6.8 metre long twin axle caravan of German origin. This was sited at a quiet caravan site in South Devon as it was too large to tow around the country with an everday family car. These caravans are generally associated with the 'travelling' community and whilst the author proved to be a genuine respectful caravan owner, the brand does have it's problems, and owners can have problems getting onto some sites with them.

The author had the Tabbert caravan on the same caravan park for about 4 or 5 years. As the time went on there was more and more the feeling of wanting to take a caravan out on tour, and so a decision was made to part company with the Tabbert. To replace it came a 1996 twin axle Lunar Clubman 520. A great caravan, and very clean and tidy. The caravan served the author very well indeed and during the time of ownership as well as travelling around the UK it also took a trip into France.

There is more to follow... So please watch this space !